Join us to compile business input on labour migration and regional integration in Asia and to discuss migration policies with decision-makers.
The Business Mechanism, coordinated by the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), is the ideal platform to enhance public-private dialogue and deepen the engagement of international companies in the development of migration policy. The Business Mechanism is the private sector track of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), where it articulates the priorities of the private sector and brings its expertise in promoting more transparent, effective and humane migration policies, taking into account labour market needs and economic perspectives.
The network of companies and employers federations play a prominent role in advocating for fair and open immigration policies and for the economic case for migration. Its expertise feeds both in the GFMD, as well as in the Global Compact for Migration (GCM), which reached agreement at the United Nations on 13 July 2018.
The outcome of the meeting will be presented at the GFMD Summit on 5-7 December in Marrakesh, Morocco.
Join us to raise the voice of the private sector to promote regulatory frameworks that promote fair and transparent migration policies.