Enhancing Public-Private Dialogue on the Business Case for Migration:
“Strengthening public-private dialogue to rethink labour migration policies and international skills mobility in the framework of the GFMD”
Concept Note (FR)
Concept Note (EN)
Summary Report
Photos from the event:

The Business Mechanism, coordinated by the IOE, is the ideal platform to enhance public-private dialogue and deepen the engagement of international companies in the development of migration policy. Endorsed as a permanent feature of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, the Business Mechanism articulates the priorities of the private sector and brings its expertise in promoting more transparent, effective and humane migration policies, taking into account labour market needs and economic perspectives.
The Business Advisory Group, in collaboration with its partner Japan Tobacco International (JTI), hosted a Business Meeting on 3-4 April 2017 to discuss four business priorities in migration debates.
These topics include:
The need for skills mobility
Responsible Recruitment
Innovation for migrant and refugee access to labour markets
The role of entrepreneurship and circular migration
The meeting in April was held in two parts:
- 3 April: Business Workshop : Define the business contribution to the international migration debates
- 4 April: Dialogue with all GFMD stakeholders (Governments, International Organizations and civil society)
Click for a full SUMMARY REPORT of the event & See below for other documents related to the event.
Speaker Biographies
Logistic Note
Concept Note
Watch the video below for a summary about the GFMD Business Mechanism Meeting in Geneva
Photos from the event:

Interview with speakers:
On June 29, the Business mechanism Meeting was held. Through the Business Mechanism, the private sector is invited to join nearly 200 Governments as they define international migration governance. This conference was aimed at company practitioners (HR or CSR) and business federation representatives. It provided participants with a safe space to share experiences, learn about new trends and developments, network with peers and governments, and influence the business position on important dossiers. The outcome of the meeting will input the United Nations global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration that members states will start negotiating in 2018.
At the Summit, the GFMD Business Mechanism launched a Business Paper entitled: Toward a Global Compact on Migration: Perspectives on Labour Migration from the GFMD Business Mechanism.
The paper builds upon “The Business Case for Migration” launched at the 2016 GFMD Summit. The focus was the relationship between labour market needs and migration policy. The paper was based upon a survey of 210 global organizations. The goal of the 2017 Business Mechanism paper is to deepen and elaborate the recommendations within the context of the Global Compact on migration to be adopted in 2018 by United Nations member states. See below for all documents relevant to the event.
This high-level conference discussed pressing issues related to migration, including:
The need for skills mobility
Responsible Recruitment
Innovation for migrant and refugee access to labour markets
Entrepreneurship and circular migration
Summary Report
Speaker Biographies
In addition to the Business Meeting, the private sector also played an active role in the other days of the summit. Business representatives are also invited to attend the Government days, as well as the Common Space programme of the Summit. These platforms serve as multi-stakeholder spaces to discuss pertinent migration topics.
For the full statements made by business participants at the GFMD, see the links below.
Secretary General (IOE), Linda Kromjong
Deputy Director General for Policy (ILO), Deborah Greenfield
Chair (Business Advisory Group), Austin Fragomen
Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for International Migration, Louise Arbour
Photos from the event:

On 12-13 October 2017, governments, civil society and private sector stakeholders will meet at the UN in Geneva for the 6th Thematic Session on the compact for safe, orderly and regulation migration. The topic of this session is entitled: Irregular migration and regular pathways, including decent work, labour mobility, recognition of skills and qualifications and other relevant measures.
The GFMD Business Mechanism will attend this session to promote a GCM that takes into account labour market needs and addresses private sector interests.
For more information about the event, please visit the UN website.

The UN General Assembly , in September 2016, adopted the New York Declaration, in which Member States committed to engage in a process of negotiations, leading to the adoption by the General Assembly in 2018 of a Global compact for migration (GCM). This instrument aims to improve international governance standards around migration. Global, regional and sub-regional stakeholders have been invited to participate in consultations. A report from this meeting will be submitted as part of those consultations.
This event will be the primary opportunity for employers in the region to understand what the GCM is, what its potential impacts are likely to be, and contribute their perspectives on the key priorities for business.
The event is organized by the Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce, in cooperation with the UAE Mistry of Human Resources and Emiratisation and the International Organisation for Migration, in partnership with the International Organisation of Employers and the GFMD Business Mechanism.
GCM Business Event Registration Form – 13th Oct 2017
Agenda, Governance of Temporary Labour Migration in the Gulf