Hosted by IOE- International Organisation of Employers
January 18, 2021 – January 26, 2021 all-day

13th GFMD Summit, United Arab Emirates (on-line)

January 18-26, 2021 - All Day

Event Details

Registration closed on 11 January.

The Summit programme is available here. Please note that the schedule for activities is indicated in CET time zone.


The private sector is a major stakeholder in the Summit, one of the four GFMD member groups participating in Global Forum activities together with governments, mayors and local authorities and civil society leaders from around the world.

The 13th GFMD Summit programme had a special focus on labour migration, the participation of business and mayors, regional perspectives, and dialogue.

The Business Advisory Group on Migration, hosted at the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), has been organising opportunities for leaders of employer federations and business to dialogue with governments during this global event.  Report on business participation at the GFMD13 is available here.

IOE consolidated written inputs to the six thematic priorities identified by the UAE Chair:

  1. The Governance of Labour Migration in the Context of Changing Employment Landscapes,
  2. Skilling Migrants for Employment,
  3. Addressing Gaps in Migrant Protection,
  4. Leveraging New Technologies to Empower Migrants,
  5. Discussing Approaches to Address Irregular Migration – What Works? What Doesn’t?
  6. Fostering Partnerships to Realize Migration-Related Goals in the Sustainable Development Agenda.


Find the inputs in the documents below, on this page.

More than 160 representatives of companies and employers’ organizations participated in the yearly process confirming their engagement in multilateral discussions on migration. The business speakers had 37 formal speaking roles in different government-led plenaries, as well as side events, showcasing their strong presence and engagement.

The following sessions within the Summit were organised by the Business Advisory Group on Migration:

  1. a) 6 Business Networking regional dialogues with employers and governments
  2. b) 3-hour Business Plenary during GFMD prime time with over 200 live attendees
  3. c) 2nd Migration Challenge Competition for tech start-ups

Program details of the Business Mechanism during the Summit:

  • Monday 18 January: Opening ceremony was pre-recorded and aired before prime time.
  • Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 19 – 21 January, 6 government roundtables:

Two roundtables ran concurrently during prime time, with interventions from participants.

  • Tuesday, 26 January: Closing ceremony, prime time; in addition, one session on International Migration Review Forum of the Global Compact for Migration (GCM/ IMRF Reporting)


  • Thursday, 21 January: Business “Networking”

2 two-hour sessions held live before and after prime time, primarily for regional dialogues between regional employer federations and national governments, by invitation only. Networking sessions focused on informal dialogue directly with national governments. Some of the regional dialogues, e.g., for Asia and the Middle East, were introduced with highlights of new research completed with employer federations and business partners on business perspectives and migration policy, or a consolidation of more global such research in other sessions.

  • Friday, 22 January: Business meeting and IOE-SEEDSTARS. 3-hour prime time session open to all:

Two 45-min Davos-style business plenary sessions.

Two 40-min rounds of IOE-SEEDSTARS pitching of tech start-ups focused on migration related issues. Having received enormous positive feedback on this part of the GFMD programme last year, this competition showcased how technology and entrepreneurship contributes to better migration management.

There were other activities to which participants had been invited in the Summit programme.

For any questions about this page please contact Ms. Bouchra Marclay at


United Arab Emirates

Business Position Papers on the GFMD Priority Themes


Austin T. Fragomen, Jr.
Chairman, Executive Committee
©Pierre Albouy
Roberto Suarez Santos
Secretary-General of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
Matthias Thorns
Matthias Thorns
Deputy Secretary General of IOE
Abdulla Al Nuaimi
Abdulla Al Nuaimi
Assistant Undersecretary, International Relations and Communications, Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation
Murtaza Khan
Murtaza Khan
Regional Managing Partner at Fragomen for the ME and Africa
John Bingham
John Bingham
interim Head of Stakeholder Engagement at the IOE
Maria Paz Anzoregguy
Maria Paz Anzoregguy
Director of ILO coordination
Amadou Sako
Amadou Sako
External Adviser for the Africa Region IOE
Gayatri Kanth
Gayatri Kanth
Project Manager, International Organisation of Employers, IOE
Alberto Echavarría
Alberto Echavarría
Vice President Asociación Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia (ANDI)
Farooq Ahmed
Farooq Ahmed
Secretary General, Bangladesh Employers Federation
Ambet Yuson
Ambet Yuson
BWI General Secretary
El-Mahfoud Megateli
El-Mahfoud Megateli
Regional Vice-President (Africa) Confédération Générale des Entreprises Algériennes (CGEA)
Renate Hornung-Draus
Renate Hornung-Draus
Managing Director Confederation of German Employers Associations (BDA)
Kanishka Weerasinghe
Kanishka Weerasinghe
Director General, Employers' Federation of Ceylon Employers' Federation of Ceylon
Jacqueline Mugo
Jacqueline Mugo
Executive Director/CEO of the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE)
Stephen Yee
Stephen Yee
Assistant Executive Director Singapore National Employers Federation
Gary Slaiman
Managing member Slaiman Consulting LLC
Menno Bart
Menno Bart
Public Affairs Manager, The Adecco Group
Ronnie L Goldberg
Ronnie L Goldberg
Senior Counsel USCIB
Jochem de Boer
Jochem de Boer
Global Public Affairs Manager World Employment Confederation
Lynn Shotwell
Lynn Shotwell
President and CEO GMS, JD, SHRM-SCP
23. Simone Giger
Simone Giger
Head, Global Programme Migration and Development, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Federal Department of Foreign, Switzerland
Girlie Grace J
Girlie Grace J. Casimiro-Igtiben
OIC Director, National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), The Philippines
Khalifa Mattar
Khalifa Mattar
Veronique Lamontagne
Veronique Lamontagne
Policy officer, strategic planning, general management and Migration file manager, International Relations Office City of Montreal, Canada
Play Video

Bringing Business to the GFMD

Watch this video to learn more about bringing business to the GFMD. The GFMD Business Mechanism was endorsed at the 2015 GFMD Summit in Istanbul as a platform for businesses to engage with Governments and other stakeholders on migration. We address issues of workforce mobility, skills and labour market needs matching, fair recruitment and decent work conditions, social welfare and public perception.