Event Details
The Africa region preparatory consultations were organised by IOE, Business Africa, the Business Advisory Group on Migration and IOM ahead of the GCM review and IMRF forum.
In preparation for the Africa Regional Review for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in July 2021 and the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) in 2022, the Business Advisory Group on Migration, together with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Business Africa and IOE partnered to host a consultation on Thursday, 27 May 2021 – from 11:00AM to 13:30PM (CET), with African employers.
The outcomes and recommendations of the consultation, as a first step, fed into the GCM Regional Review for Africa. The objective of the meeting was to identify key recommendations of African employers on the business priorities in light of GCM objectives 5, 6, and 18.
These recommendations aimed to set the scene to draft an African Employers’ Declaration which will be further elaborated in a series of sub regional consultations in the third and fourth quarter of 2021 to be endorsed by the participating employers towards the end of 2021, in lead up to the 2022 IMRF.
Detailed information is provided in the report of the consultation and agenda.
Consult the agenda in English here and in French here.
Consult the report of the African Employers Consultation in English here.