Hosted by IOE- International Organisation of Employers

GFMD Business Regional workshop for South America

9-10 October 2019

GFMD Business Regional workshop for South America

(Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay)

Business and migration: Strengthening the dialogue between the Private Sector and Governments

Skills Mobility and Development: business perspectives on assessment and certification of skills
9-10 October 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina Venue : Buenos Aires Stock Exchange

The Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) is a state-led, informal and non-binding process, which helps shape the global debate on migration and development. Since 2016, the GFMD invites the private sector to contribute to its deliberation through a channel named GFMD Business Mechanism. The International Organisation of Employers (IOE) coordinates the input of the private sector through the Business Advisory Group on Migration, which aims at strengthening the dialogue between businesses and governments on migration related topics.

The regional workshop for South America was held in Buenos Aires from the 9-10 October 2019. The workshop bought together representatives from businesses, governments and from regional and international agencies from Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. The purpose of workshop was twofold:

  1. To identify solutions for improved regulatory frameworks on migration that considers businesses’ needs in the region.
  2. To discuss the impact on businesses of migration policies in South America and find common ground for improvement.


Mr. Santiago Javier Chávez Pareja
Chair of the GFMD 2019, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador
Ms. Claudia Amada Arguello
Head of the Department of Regional Regulations, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Paraguay
Mr. Luis Gonzalez Arias
Head of the Technical and International Relations Office, Paraguayan Industrial Union
Mr. Pablo Bobic
Legal Manager, Confederation of Production and Trade of Chile (CPC).
Ms. Karen Coronel
Business Manager, Manpower Group
Mr. Roberto Cancel
Regional Labour Mobility and Human Development Specialist, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Mr. Leonardo Carvallo
South LATAM Partner Andrés Freire, Executive Secretary, National Migration Board, Uruguay
Mr. Diego Coatz
Executive Director, Union Industrial Argentina (UIA).
Mr. Pablo Dragun
Director, Centro de Estudios, Union Industrial Argentina (UIA).
Mr. Adelmo Gabbi
President of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, Argentina
Ms. Graciela Fresno
President, Federación Empresaria Hotelera Gastronomica de la República Argentina (FEHGRA)
Ms. Adriana Hidalgo
Technical Officer in Labour Migration, International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Mr Andrés Freire
Executive Secretary, National Migration Board, Uruguay
Mr Daniel Funes de Rioja
Vice-President, Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA). President, Inter-American Trade and Production Council of Argentina. Honorary President, International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
Mr. Juan Mailhos
Director, National Chamber of Commerce and Services of Uruguay.
Ms Ana Ines Montanari
Public Affairs Representative, Adecco Argentina
Mr. Manuel Terán Moscoso
External Advisor, Federación Nacional de Cámaras de Industrias del Ecuador
Mr. Juan Carlos Guataqui Roa
Independent researcher
Mr. Hernan Sandro
Vice President, Association of Human Resources of Argentina (ADRHA)
Mr. Federico Solis
Partner, Fragomen
Ms. Daena Vida
Senior Director Global Immigration, Oracle
Ms. Stéphanie Winet
Head of Stakeholder Engagement, International Organisation of Employers

Photos from the event

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Bringing Business to the GFMD

Watch this video to learn more about bringing business to the GFMD. The GFMD Business Mechanism was endorsed at the 2015 GFMD Summit in Istanbul as a platform for businesses to engage with Governments and other stakeholders on migration. We address issues of workforce mobility, skills and labour market needs matching, fair recruitment and decent work conditions, social welfare and public perception.