Unterwasserstraße 10
10117 Berlin
On June 29, the Business mechanism Meeting was held. Through the Business Mechanism, the private sector is invited to join nearly 200 Governments as they define international migration governance. This conference was aimed at company practitioners (HR or CSR) and business federation representatives. It provided participants with a safe space to share experiences, learn about new trends and developments, network with peers and governments, and influence the business position on important dossiers. The outcome of the meeting will input the United Nations global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration that members states will start negotiating in 2018.
At the Summit, the GFMD Business Mechanism launched a Business Paper entitled: Toward a Global Compact on Migration: Perspectives on Labour Migration from the GFMD Business Mechanism.
The paper builds upon “The Business Case for Migration” launched at the 2016 GFMD Summit. The focus was the relationship between labour market needs and migration policy. The paper was based upon a survey of 210 global organizations. The goal of the 2017 Business Mechanism paper is to deepen and elaborate the recommendations within the context of the Global Compact on migration to be adopted in 2018 by United Nations member states. See below for all documents relevant to the event.
This high-level conference discussed pressing issues related to migration, including:
In addition to the Business Meeting, the private sector also played an active role in the other days of the summit. Business representatives are also invited to attend the Government days, as well as the Common Space programme of the Summit. These platforms serve as multi-stakeholder spaces to discuss pertinent migration topics.
For the full statements made by business participants at the GFMD, see the links below.
Photos from the event: