Hosted by IOE- International Organisation of Employers

GFMD Business Thematic Meeting 2017

April 3, 2017 – April 4, 2017 all-day
JTI, Geneva
Rue Kazem-Radjavi 8
1202 Genève
Stephanie Winet
+41 22 929 00 00

The Business Mechanism, coordinated by the IOE, is the ideal platform to enhance public-private dialogue and deepen the engagement of international companies in the development of migration policy. Endorsed as a permanent feature of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, the Business Mechanism articulates the priorities of the private sector and brings its expertise in promoting more transparent, effective and humane migration policies, taking into account labour market needs and economic perspectives.

The Business Advisory Group, in collaboration with its partner Japan Tobacco International (JTI), hosted a Business Meeting on 3-4 April 2017 to discuss four business priorities in migration debates.

These topics include:
The meeting in April was held in two parts:

​Click for a full SUMMARY REPORT of the event & See below for other documents related to the event.​

Watch the video below for a summary about the GFMD Business Mechanism Meeting in Geneva

Photos from the event:

Interview with speakers: